Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 3 First day of Fort Bragg Reception

It was really cold today, something like 36 degrees this morning. For some people this isn't Cold, I think you have to be strange and delusional to think 36 degrees is not "that cold". I herd a random SSG who calls them self ("reception cadre") thats in charge, tell the whole "reception" platoon to take there sweaters and gloves off because it isn't that cold. I wasn't wearing mine, but I thought your supposed to wear things like sweaters, gloves when its Cold. Why do people make cold weather clothes and why do we get issued it if we can never wear it?

I seriously feel like a brand new Private here at the 82nd Airborne Reception, everyone in the platoon are all new out of basic training besides only a few of us. Were force to stand in formation with them, and hear multiple SSG's bark and act all high and mighty. I think it really fucking sucks to be in an equal in a platoon of newbies fresh out of basic. Most are only 18-19 years old. 8 years ago I was in Iraq, while these little kids were just about to hit junior high and going through puberty. So after 41 months of Combat, and 9 years of service I am an equal in a platoon with someone with no more than 6 months in the Army. Way to go Army. I believe there needs to be a lot of changes in the way they do business here. You get one person telling you to do one thing, while the other will tell you something totally different. Im going to end it for now. Thank you to the nice lady's at the Vehicle Registration and Tricare at the Hospital, you two were the only nice and sincere people I have met on this base. I hope I can reach the 700th day without getting an early discharge. I think I might try reading the bible tomorrow, even though I don't believe in it. It might make me feel a little better. I hope tomorrow is a better day. Until next time ...........

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 1

To Whomever Cares,

This is my first blog, and I am going to try my best to keep writing for the next 700 days. I believe this will be therapeutic, and will help me get threw the next 700 miserable days of my life. A brief bio would be exactly how to describe not only myself but my life. "Brief" it is, many people make mistakes that they end up paying for, mine was enlisting in the military (9 years). No matter how much I hate the organization that I am part of, I am a man of my word and I made a commitment and I will fulfill it till the very last day.
 Money is really an evil thing , it changes the way people feel and act , and it possibly makes them do things that they might regret. It changed my life twice, but was 5,000-10,000 really worth it? I think not!!!!  And it begins..............

Man.... this place is big, much bigger than the tiny Island in the middle of the Pacific. Ohhhh how I loved the Island. The friendly people, white sand beaches, blue water, the smell of the ocean, and how conveniently everything was to locate. Now I'm surrounded by a bunch of followers, thugs, and quite possibly the rudest people I have ever met. I walk in the Office to sign in to my new unit (82nd Airborne), and Im greeted with a old african american lady barking orders at me. This bitch isn't even in the Army and she's treating me like a new Private. "Give me your orders, DD93, and leave form" she says. after waiting for 10 min she finally looks over my papers, while a very unorganized Private is rummaging through his papers, I can tell he is very nervouse, and I don't really understand why. As the angry old lady is un-stapleing my papers, she starts to throw papers at me telling me to write down a name and hospital. I am in shock that I just got papers thrown at me and completly ignored everything she said to me. I ask her if she needed a phone number to the "name" she wanted , and she completly flipped out on me. "NO YOUR NOT PAYING ATTENTION" she says in a loud voice. I can see this lady has some kind of issue as I have said a few words and Im being yelled at, literally. I ask her "are you ok", "NO IM NOT I BEEN REPEATING MYSELF ALL DAY , TO PEOPLE THAT DONT PAY ATTENTION LIKE YOU".
I can go on and on about this evil bitch but I would rather not, I told her about the blast I took in 2008 in Iraq and how my hearing wasn't that great, she had no reply to that. What a great way to be welcomed to Fort Bragg, gotta love it and I wouldn't of expected it differently in any way.
 It's 10:00 at night , and I cant wait for my newcomers briefing tomorrow (Sunday), right during the middle of Football. How do people do that? How do Americans not watch sports? Tomorrow is Football, and all I want throughout the entire week is to watch my beloved Texans while I drink beer throughout the entire game. Thanks Army for taking that away. Thank You for taking every Olympics for the last 9 years, World Series, Super Bowls, and NBA Finals. I have nobody to blame but myself. I treat everyone I know with respect and human dignity , why cant I be treated the same? Why do people get away with everything wrong that they do? Where is the Justice? Im trapped in this life that is not supposed to be.
 How can there be a God, if everyone that believes in him treats people so indifferently, and goes against everything he says.  I would like to think there is a God, and if he does exist... GOD HELP ME....